Report A Fanlisting
Please use this form to report dead links, fanlistings that are not being
regularly updated and fanlistings breaking the rules. The form will be sent to
the staff member in charge of troubles for that category and that staff member
will then look into the matter and take action where needed. This way, you can
help us to keep the inactive fanlistings in the network to a minimum.
Please remember:
- Use this form only to notify a staff member of a problem fanlisting!
Reporting a fanlisting using this form does not count as an application for the
fanlisting in trouble. You cannot apply for a fanlisting until it has been deleted
from the network, nor can you ask a staff member to 'reserve' a fanlisting for you.
- If the fanlisting that you wish to report belongs to you and you simply want
to update your link, please use the update info instead.
- Make sure this fanlisting isn't already on the
troubles list! If it is, that means that the staffer
in charge is already fully aware of all problems with that particular fanlisting,
and you shouldn't report it as that would only cause unnecessary work for the
staffer in question.
- Please select the correct category from the drop-down menu. If the fanlisting
is listed in more than one category, fill out this form for every category it's
listed in.
- Please submit only ONE fanlisting per form. If you have multiple fanlistings
to report, fill out the form for each of them separately.