About Us

A fanlisting is a web clique that lists fans of a particular subject. Unlike most web cliques, a person does not need a web site in order to join.

The Anime Fanlistings Network is a directory comprised of anime and manga fanlistings.

Come and join our community!


We have a large team of volunteers who keep the network up-and-running, but we're often in need of some extra staffers for something or other! Our current staff is made up of the Senior Staff and the category staffers, but we're now recruiting 'permanent trouble checkers'. Please select the appropriate link below to view the requirements and fill out an application form for the position of category staffer or permanent trouble checker.

Category Staff application formPassword-protected: K04s!asP3 / Y0RL33as
Our category staffers are in charge of the network's individual categories. The larger categories are usually divided between two staffers, while the smaller categories are each run by one staffer. Even for a small category this can be a very demanding job so we require people with lots of patience and a great deal of free time.

Trouble Checkers application form
We are now taking on additional staff members to act as permanent trouble checkers. Each trouble checker will be assigned to a particular category but will also need to be available if another category's staffer needs his or her help. You should have a fair amount of free time for this job and be able to follow instructions.

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Do not use without permission. View our privacy policy.
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