Manga-ka & Directors: Complete Update

Posted by Shinju at 5:08 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Manga-ka & Directors

This is a complete update of all forms in the Manga-ka & Directors category. If you have submitted a form to this category and have not heard back from me, please resubmit. Thank you and congratulations! ♥

Takatsuki Noboru

Konomi Takeshi; Toboso Yana

The following is a complete Troubles and report forms update. Owners of troubled fanlistings listed below have until March 20, 2012 to fix their indicated issues AND reply to their e-mails to make sure their fanlistings stay in the network.

Dead Link
Takeuchi Naoko

Anzai Nobuyuki; CLAMP; Soryo Fuyumi; Tada Yumi; Yamashita Tomoko

Three Strikes Removal (OPEN for application)
The following fanlistings have been removed in accordance to the “Three Strikes Rule.”
Tajima Shou; Urasawa Naoki