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A fanlisting is a web clique that lists fans of a particular subject. Unlike most web cliques, a person does not need a web site in order to join.

The Anime Fanlistings Network is a directory comprised of anime and manga fanlistings.

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Update Archives

Archive for the ‘Site Policies & Rules’ Category

February 28, 2017

Characters 0-M and N-Z: Eliminating Application Cut-Off Dates

Posted by Jackie at 7:29 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Characters 0-M, Characters N-Z, Site Policies & Rules

As of March 15, 2017, the Characters 0-M and Characters N-Z categories are eliminating the applications cut-off policy.

Under the current policy, fanlisting owners must submit Characters applications by the 15th of each month, and any applications submitted after that date will be rejected or held until the following month. Additionally, fanlistings can only be approved if they were removed more than a month prior to the update.

Starting March 15, 2017, the ‘apply by the 15th’ policy will end. Instead, Characters applications will be processed like all other TAFL categories, and all Characters subjects will be eligible for approval one week after being removed from the network. (Applications for characters from new series will not be approved until at least two weeks after the character’s first appearance.)

All applications submitted by March 15, 2017 will be processed per usual. However, all applications submitted after that date will be processed under the new procedure.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

January 14, 2017

New Rules regarding Temporary Layouts and Codes/Buttons

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 4:47 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Policies & Rules, Site Updates, TAFL Announcements

The Anime Fanlistings Network is implementing new rules regarding temporary layouts and codes/buttons effective immediately.

Temporary Layouts
– You are allowed to use “temporary layouts” for a limited period of time.
– If you can’t finish your layout by the due date, you can still submit a Finished form and your fanlisting will be processed as finished as usual.
– Your temporary/incomplete layout *must* still include a way for members to join the fanlisting, a members list with countries, a last update date, and a link back to TAFL.
– A non-temporary/”complete” layout must have both a header and a css/style sheet. However, your layout will NOT be considered non-temporary/complete if it is based on a template and/or obviously put together in a hurry with a simple header image, minimal styling, and no codes. It is in the category staffers’ discretion whether your layout is temporary/incomplete, but you can contact the Senior Staffers if you dispute the Troubles e-mail.
You will have two months from your fanlisting’s initial approval date to finish the layout and e-mail the F/U/C staffer. If you fail to do so, your fanlisting will still be listed, but your layout will be considered incomplete. Your fanlisting will then be subject to the normal Troubles process.

All fanlistings are required to have at least 3 graphical codes/buttons total. These graphical codes can be any combination of the standard sizes (50×50, 75×50, and 100×50).

These rules will be retroactive and apply to all existing fanlistings. Fanlistings with temporary layouts still up after two months from their initial approval date will be subject to the normal Troubles process, and there will not be any grace period for existing fanlistings. For the codes/buttons rule, existing fanlistings will be given a one month grace period (i.e. until February 14, 2017).

Please note that these rules are DIFFERENT from The Fanlistings Network’s. As a reminder, The Anime Fanlistings Network is a separate network from TFL, and so we have different rules and policies.

June 15, 2016

TAFL has Permanently Moved

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 8:55 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Policies & Rules, Site Updates, TAFL Announcements, TAFL Network Status

As you may have noticed, TAFL has been down due to issues with our domain registrar. Unfortunately, those issues have yet to be resolved, so we are moving TAFL to a new domain: http://www.animefanlistings.com/ This move will be permanent.

We require all TAFL fanlistings to update their links to http://www.animefanlistings.com/ We will be giving fanlisting owners a 1-month grace period to change their TAFL links, after which we will be troubling fanlistings for incorrect TAFL links.

No forms or e-mails should have been lost during the downtime, but you may want to check with TAFL staffers to see if they received your forms. (Remember that you can check your pending fanlisting applications yourself.)

The board has moved to http://board.animefanlistings.com/ Due to a change in forum scripts, you will have to reset your password.

If you encounter any problems with the main TAFL website, please e-mail us at seniorstaffers@animefanlistings.com with a description of the problem.

We apologize for the inconvenience on our members and visitors and thank you for your patience.

ETA: Please also check your spam/junk e-mail folders for e-mails from our site. Gmail, for example, has been placing Troubles e-mails in spam folders.

September 19, 2010

Clarification on Crosslisting

Posted by Marie at 12:14 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Characters 0-M, Characters N-Z, Relationships, Site Policies & Rules

We want to take this opportunity to clarify our position on crosslisting fanlistings across the two networks. While it is true that we typically prefer to crosslist a fanlisting from TFL to TAFL (and vice-versa), we have noticed an alarming trend regarding this preference that has forced us to implement stronger stances and practices.

Over the past year, we’ve witnessed several applicants trying to gain an unfair advantage with approvals for popular subjects by taking advantage of our preference for crosslists. For example: by applying for the manga version of a character in the hopes of crosslisting it into the Games category at TFL, applying for the novel version of a relationship in the hopes of crosslisting it into the Relationships category at TAFL, etc. Essentially, applicants are applying for subjects that they otherwise would not have applied for, or are applying for subjects that they have no actual knowledge of or experience with, simply in the hopes of getting an easier approval (via crosslisting) into the Network/Category in which they actually want to be listed.

Because of this, we have decided that crosslisting will now be scrutinized extensively on a case-by-case basis and will no longer guarantee approval or necessarily give an applicant any kind of advantage. This will primarily affect the Characters and Relationships categories, where we have seen this trend happening the most. We will be coordinating with Jackie, the Games Staffer at TFL, to ensure that all fanlistings are going to the best homes we can possibly give them.

If you have any questions about this clarification, please feel free to send myself or Jackie a contact form, and we will do our best to answer them.

April 16, 2007

Change to New Network Rule

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 9:46 am GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Policies & Rules

Based on feedback we’ve received from staff and owners, we feel that the layouts requirement included in a recent new network rule was in error on our part, and we are hereby removing the following from our rules:

Fanlisting graphics should reflect the subject you are approved for.
Your fanlisting’s layout and image codes should feature images that accurately reflect the subject you have been approved for. (For example, if you have been approved for the manga version of a character featured in a movie or a game, your layout should feature manga images of the character, unless you are approved for the other versions of the character as well.) Your image codes should also be clearly marked with the subject you have been approved for. (For example, if you own a series, character or relationship fanlisting, you can not have codes featuring only one character from the series and the word “fan.”)

The code buttons portion of the old rule remains in place. It has been reworded as follows:

Fanlisting codes must reflect the subject you are approved for.
Your fanlisting’s image codes should feature images that accurately reflect the subject you have been approved for. The codes should be clearly marked with the subject you have been approved for. (For example, if you own a series or relationship fanlisting, you can not have codes featuring only one character from the series and the world “fan.”

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

March 07, 2007

New Network Rules and Policies

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 4:36 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Policies & Rules

This is an official announcement regarding new network rules and policies related to applying, building and maintaining your fanlistings. These new rules will be effective immediately. If you have any questions regarding these rules, please contact the Senior Staff directly via our contact form. If you have a question about a specific fanlisting, please contact the appropriate Category staffer where your fanlisting is listed.


Fanlisting graphics should reflect the subject you are approved for.
Your fanlisting’s layout and image codes should feature images that accurately reflect the subject you have been approved for. (For example, if you have been approved for the manga version of a character featured in a movie or a game, your layout should feature manga images of the character, unless you are approved for the other versions of the character as well.) Your image codes should also be clearly marked with the subject you have been approved for. (For example, if you own a series, character or relationship fanlisting, you can not have codes featuring only one character from the series and the word “fan.”)


Your fanlisting must be easy to navigate and join.
Fanlistings that are difficult to navigate, have “hidden” links, and require code words will be placed on the Troubles list as this makes it difficult to join and goes against the network philosophy of accepting ALL fans. (This is not the same as fanlistings using Enthusiast or a management script, which asks for the fan to enter a password, or one is generated for them, so that they can change their information securely. The difference is that fans are added regardless of whether or not they choose to use the Enthusiast password feature.)

Each approved subject must have its own join form and members list.
If you have the fanlistings for two or more subjects hosted on the same site, the use of a single join form with a “Favorite” option to allow members to select the subject they are joining for is acceptable, although it is preferable that each subject have its own join form and member list.


You may have up to 6 fanlistings listed as upcoming at the network at any time, and up to 3 pending applications in one category.
If you already have 6 upcoming fanlistings, any new application you send will be rejected because you may not be approved for anything else until some of them are finished. Once you reach the limit of 3 pending applications in a category, any new applications you send in will be disregarded until the pending applications are either approved or rejected.

To further explain the first rule — This fits into the ‘ambiguous code’ rule we have been implementing for awhile. This rule simply clarifies the infraction. If a fanlisting is for a character, it is permissible for the code to simply say FAN. If the fanlisting is for a group, relationship/rivalry, series, etc. the code must have the subject name. (If it is a series name, the code can simply say “series”, or an abbreviated form of the series name) This rule also covers fanlisting layout graphics. If the fanlisting subject is ONLY approved at TAFL, only anime/manga graphics are permissible. If the fanlisting is crosslisted, other graphics are fine. If the fanlisting is crosslisted and there are several layout skins available, it is fine as well. (Example #1: I own a Pokemon character fanlisting here at TAFL, but not at TFL. I use game graphics on my fanlisting.) (Example #2: I own a Song fanlisting here at TAFL, but I use manga images in the layout. Exceptions to using manga images for a Song fanlisting is if the song is mentioned in the manga storyline — ie: Gravitation, Full Moon wo Sagashite.)

Troublecheckers will be looking for these problems on all fanlistings in the next month and the Troubles staffers will send all fanlisting owners with violations a warning to fix the problem. THIS EMAIL WILL NOT MEAN YOU ARE ON TROUBLES. You will have a month to fix the problem and any subsequent trouble check will cause the fanlisting to be placed on troubles status if the issue is not fixed.

As stated previously, if you have any questions regarding these new policies, please contact the staffers directly with your inquiries.

September 07, 2006

Audio Dramas and Novels

Posted by Jackie at 4:03 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Policies & Rules

The Fanlistings Network has created a new subcategory called “Audio Dramas” within the Albums category. All anime/manga audio drama CDs and cassette tapes should be applied for at thefanlistings.org in the Albums category.

Also, all novels and non-manga books based on anime and manga series should be applied for at TFL.org in the Literature category.

Although novels and drama CDs are based on anime/manga, they are not directly related to them, much the same way that fanlistings for Live Action dramas and Live Action movies based on anime/manga series belong at TFL.org in the TV Series and Movies categories.

June 30, 2006

Too Long on Upcoming Duties

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 10:09 am GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Policies & Rules

After inexcusably long delay, TAFL has adopted TFL’s staffing change, and have switched Too Long on Upcoming troubles duty to our F/U/C staffers. Please contact your FUC staffer for TLOU issues from now on!

November 14, 2005

“Last Updated” Date

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 3:38 am GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Policies & Rules

After some discussion, we have clarified the way that the Last Updated date must be listed on TAFL fanlistings. The rule now reads:

Your fanlisting must list when it was last updated.
This date should be in an easy-to-find, well marked place. You MUST either write out the month (March 4, 2005) or, if you use a numerical date, you MUST provide a key/legend immediately before or after the date, explaining the format used (4/5/2005 – dd/mm/yyyy). As more than one date format is considered ‘standard,’ you are required to provide a clear way to read the date regardless of the format used. Failing to use either suggested format could result in your fanlisting being added to the troubles list.

This is to make things easier for everyone – dates specific to North America (mm/dd/yy) or Europe (dd/mm/yy) can make your fanlisting look inactive when it really isn’t and cause unnecessary trouble. We would appreciate if fanlisting owners took a moment to make this change on their fanlistings. Thank you.

October 23, 2005

Rule Clarification: Updating

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 4:34 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Policies & Rules

We have received a few complaints that our rule about inactivity is not clearly explained. TAFL requires that a fanlisting update once every 2 months, but the minimum requirement for this update was not directly stated, causing some confusion on the matter. The rule now reads:

Your fanlisting should be updated at least once every two months.
This includes adding all pending members as well as dealing with all update information forms. We understand that there are fanlistings that may not get a member once every two months; however, some kind of life needs to be evident at your fanlisting or people may not join. A little dated note on your site saying that no members have joined is sufficient.

This also affects fanlistings on Troubles. To prevent being removed, you must process all join and update forms before the deadline.

Again, this is not a rules change – you have always been required to add all pending members once every 2 months. We received some suggestions that we clarify, so we have. :)

September 15, 2005

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Final Fantasy VII: Last Order

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 9:57 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Policies & Rules

Regarding Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children movie:
Please apply for all fanlistings related to the animated movie Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children at The Fanlistings Network, in the Games category. Any applications received for this movie at TAFL: Movies/OVAs will be forwarded to TFL: Games.

From TheFanlistings.org: “Fanlistings related to FFVII: Advent Children will be approved in TFL: Games first, then automatically cross-listed to the TFL: Animation category. Please also keep in mind the TFL: Games rules that there will only be one fanlisting per character/relationship. As such, you cannot apply for characters/relationships from FFVII: Advent Children who originate from the Final Fantasy VII video game if there are already fanlistings for those characters/relationships in the database. For example, you would not be able to apply for Cloud Strife from the animation since there is already a fanlisting for him.”

Regarding Final Fantasy: Last Order anime OVA:
The Final Fantasy: Last Order anime OVA may be applied for in the TAFL Movies/OVAs category. Related fanlistings, such as characters and relationships, will be crosslisted from TFL: Games to appropriate categories at TAFL, in order to comply with TFL: Games rules. (See above for details.)

October 25, 2004

ATTN: All FL Applicants

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 1:25 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Policies & Rules

A quick reminder to all of you applying for items, especially considering the vast Characters/Items removal today: YOU MAY ONLY APPLY FOR SIX SUBJECTS AT ONCE. This has always been a rule for these categories, on both networks, and it has NOT changed. The applications staffers have every right to disregard all apps received after the sixth, and since some of you have sent in two or three times that amount, I would strongly recommend AGAINST sending in more. ^^;;

Edit: For those of you that have sent in more than six, this one time we will allow you to send in a contact form to the appropriate category and specify which apps to keep (only six!) and which to discard. Since the apply page had an incorrect number listed on that rule (12), and this was an error on our part, not yours, we feel this is a decent compromise. Again, if you have sent in more than six applications, and you wish to select which ones to keep, please contact the appropriate category with your name, email, and which applications you wish to keep. Thanks for your attention, and cooperation.

October 07, 2004

New Site Policies/Rules

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 9:46 am GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Policies & Rules

This post is to inform you of new site policies that differ, or are altered, from TheFanlistings.org, and which will now be enforced on this network.

Linking to The Anime Fanlistings Network:
First, as should be fairly obvious, all sites listed at The Anime Fanlistings Network are required to have a link to http://www.animefanlistings.org/ . It is not required to have a link to TheFanlistings.org, but we encourage you to link to both sites, as we are partner networks. It was a great honor for TFL to give us our own network, and I’d like to give them all the support we can! :D Again, a link to TAFL is required, a link to TFL is not, but is encouraged.

Auto-Add/Guestbook Scripts NO LONGER ALLOWED:
As stated on the TAFL rules page, “it is up to you whether you update your list manually, or use a specific program that allows people to join and you approve from an admin panel (like phpFanBase or Enthusiast). However, forms and scripts that add people as soon as they submit their information are no longer allowed. This includes Megabook and other guestbook programs. Subjects using these types of scripts will be required to switch to one of the above approved methods, or will be removed from the network. This form of auto-add script has been abused, and many a good subject been neglected by lack of effort on the part of the owner, forcing us to enforce this rule strictly.”

As we are now over the initial transition period and the network is running smoothly, staffers will soon be enforcing this rule. If you use this type of script, your site will be placed on troubles and you will need to switch to another method. As stated above, this is due to continual abuse and neglect by some owners using guestbook scripts. We hope that through this rule, fanlistings will be better taken care of. Thanks for your cooperation in this matter!

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