About Us

A fanlisting is a web clique that lists fans of a particular subject. Unlike most web cliques, a person does not need a web site in order to join.

The Anime Fanlistings Network is a directory comprised of anime and manga fanlistings.

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Update Archives

Archive for the ‘Site Updates’ Category

August 08, 2024

Volunteer Drive & Donation Drive

Posted by Buruma at 2:06 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates, TAFL Announcements

It has been several years since we’ve had a proper staffer drive or donation drive. This post is to bring attention to both needs.

Volunteer Drive: We are currently looking to bring on at least one new staffer. If you have a fair amount of free time and good communication skills, please consider filling out a Category Staffer or Trouble Checker application. The forms are located here.

Donation Drive: It currently costs $180.00 to maintain TAFL on a yearly basis. Over the past few years those costs have been paid out of pocket by members of the Senior Staff. If you’re a regular visitor and have the desire and means to assist with supporting TAFL, donations are very much appreciated. You can learn more about how to donate here. (Keep in mind that PayPal charges fees on all incoming donations. Donations of $1 or less are generally depleted by fees.)

March 11, 2021

TAFL Directory and Forms back online

Posted by Jackie at 6:05 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates, TAFL Network Status

TAFL’s directory and forms are now working again. We apologize for the downtime and thank you for your patience.

January 14, 2017

New Rules regarding Temporary Layouts and Codes/Buttons

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 4:47 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Policies & Rules, Site Updates, TAFL Announcements

The Anime Fanlistings Network is implementing new rules regarding temporary layouts and codes/buttons effective immediately.

Temporary Layouts
– You are allowed to use “temporary layouts” for a limited period of time.
– If you can’t finish your layout by the due date, you can still submit a Finished form and your fanlisting will be processed as finished as usual.
– Your temporary/incomplete layout *must* still include a way for members to join the fanlisting, a members list with countries, a last update date, and a link back to TAFL.
– A non-temporary/”complete” layout must have both a header and a css/style sheet. However, your layout will NOT be considered non-temporary/complete if it is based on a template and/or obviously put together in a hurry with a simple header image, minimal styling, and no codes. It is in the category staffers’ discretion whether your layout is temporary/incomplete, but you can contact the Senior Staffers if you dispute the Troubles e-mail.
You will have two months from your fanlisting’s initial approval date to finish the layout and e-mail the F/U/C staffer. If you fail to do so, your fanlisting will still be listed, but your layout will be considered incomplete. Your fanlisting will then be subject to the normal Troubles process.

All fanlistings are required to have at least 3 graphical codes/buttons total. These graphical codes can be any combination of the standard sizes (50×50, 75×50, and 100×50).

These rules will be retroactive and apply to all existing fanlistings. Fanlistings with temporary layouts still up after two months from their initial approval date will be subject to the normal Troubles process, and there will not be any grace period for existing fanlistings. For the codes/buttons rule, existing fanlistings will be given a one month grace period (i.e. until February 14, 2017).

Please note that these rules are DIFFERENT from The Fanlistings Network’s. As a reminder, The Anime Fanlistings Network is a separate network from TFL, and so we have different rules and policies.

November 18, 2016

Staff Volunteer and Trouble Checker Drive!

Posted by Buruma at 8:28 am GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates

It is time for TAFL to have its annual Staff Volunteer Drive! We are always on the lookout for dedicated people who are interested in helping out the network. In addition to category staff volunteers, we are also looking for more trouble checker volunteers.

If you are interested in volunteering to be a trouble checker and/or a category staffer please fill out the appropriate forms found here. Be sure to read all of the requirements and fully complete the form before submitting it.

Thank you!

June 15, 2016

TAFL has Permanently Moved

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 8:55 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Policies & Rules, Site Updates, TAFL Announcements, TAFL Network Status

As you may have noticed, TAFL has been down due to issues with our domain registrar. Unfortunately, those issues have yet to be resolved, so we are moving TAFL to a new domain: http://www.animefanlistings.com/ This move will be permanent.

We require all TAFL fanlistings to update their links to http://www.animefanlistings.com/ We will be giving fanlisting owners a 1-month grace period to change their TAFL links, after which we will be troubling fanlistings for incorrect TAFL links.

No forms or e-mails should have been lost during the downtime, but you may want to check with TAFL staffers to see if they received your forms. (Remember that you can check your pending fanlisting applications yourself.)

The board has moved to http://board.animefanlistings.com/ Due to a change in forum scripts, you will have to reset your password.

If you encounter any problems with the main TAFL website, please e-mail us at seniorstaffers@animefanlistings.com with a description of the problem.

We apologize for the inconvenience on our members and visitors and thank you for your patience.

ETA: Please also check your spam/junk e-mail folders for e-mails from our site. Gmail, for example, has been placing Troubles e-mails in spam folders.

June 14, 2012

Message Board Back Online

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 7:41 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates

TAFL’s Message Board is back online. Thank you very much for your patience during its downtime!

April 25, 2011

Staff Volunteer Drive!

Posted by Marie at 7:19 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates

It’s time for TAFL to have its fourth annual Staff Volunteer Drive! We’re always on the lookout for dedicated people who are interested in helping out the network! This rolls around just in time – I’m actually going to be doing some hiring here soon, so if you were on the fence about applying or were planning to submit and just haven’t yet, get your apps in! Trouble Checker volunteers are always welcome too!

If you’re interested in volunteering to be a trouble checker and/or a category staffer please fill out the appropriate forms found here. Be sure you read all of the requirements and fully complete the form before submitting it. Just remember, as fun as staffing and trouble checking can be, they are very time-consuming jobs and we only want the best!

N.B. If you have submitted a staff application in the past and wish to submit an updated application, please be sure to write the word, ‘UPDATE’ after you name.

Thanks, everyone! I’m looking forward to receiving your applications!

January 21, 2011

TAFL Board Upgrade + Downtime

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 8:51 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates

The TAFL message board will be undergoing an upgrade this weekend and will go offline at some point within the next 24 to 48 hours. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause anyone.

February 28, 2010

Staff Volunteer and Trouble Checkers Drive!

Posted by Rosemary at 10:45 am GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates

It’s time for TAFL to have its third annual Staff Volunteer Drive! We’re always on the lookout for dedicated people who are interested in helping out the network! In addition to category staff volunteers, we are also looking for more trouble checker volunteers.

If you’re interested in volunteering to be a trouble checker and/or a category staffer please fill out the appropriate forms found here. Be sure you read all of the requirements and fully complete the form before submitting it. Just remember as fun as staffing and trouble checking can be, they are very time-consuming jobs and we only want the best!

Thank you! :D

February 14, 2010

Applications System: Revamp Complete

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 3:49 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates, TAFL Network Status

We apologize for the delay, but we are happy to announce that the new Application system is now up and running! Weather issues and debugging hindered progress a little more than we anticipated, but we hope you all enjoy the new system as much as we do! Any technical issues you encounter should be directed to our Developers, who are wonderful and without whom all these changes would not be possible.

You can also now track your pending applications via the Your FL list – please remember that you are still only allowed 6 upcoming applications across the network, three pending in any category. While we are sure you will enjoy this handy new feature, we strongly recommend you do not obsessively check your list after submitting each application, as this can put a severe strain on the network. Checking with the staffer via Message Board is still your best option.

Thank you, again, for your patience, and we hope you all enjoy!

January 28, 2010

Application System Revamp

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 10:37 am GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates, TAFL Network Status

With 2010 only a month underway, TAFL has already set about making some large and exciting changes that we’d like to draw your attention to.

As we have previously stated, the network continues to grow steadily, and our current backend is quickly reaching the peak of its abilities. Since we have hundreds of owners, as well as a dedicated staff, we recognized that a process both smoother and more efficient is something we truly needed to work on. Thanks to our wonderful Development Team, we are excited to announce that we will be introducing a new system for Applications. Not only will it ease the process that a staffer must go through when handling applications, but it will also help owners keep track of their pending applications via the “Your TAFL List” feature. As TAFL puts this new system into effect, we will be disabling the applications form starting tomorrow, Friday, January 29th until Saturday, February 6th in order to make this a smooth transition.

While we know you’re just as excited about these new changes as we are, we urge you not to flood categories with applications before the forms go down. This will only slow the transition and make it harder on Applications staffers to make the switch. In addition, once the forms go down, any applications received by creative means or applications sent through other forms, including the contact form, will be IMMEDIATELY discarded. We ask for your patience as we make these changes, so that they can be as quick and painless as possible.

In addition, you might notice the Message Board out of service periodically during this week – please do not panic. While we update our Applications system, we are also taking the opportunity to update our Message Board. Should the board go down, or any other serious outage take place, we will be using Twitter to keep everyone updated.

We thank you for your patience as we implement these exciting new changes, and of course, any questions can be directed to the Senior Staff at seniorstaffers[@]animefanlistings.org.

August 24, 2009

Follow TAFL on Twitter

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 7:25 am GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates

In addition to our pre-existing RSS feed, we are pleased to announce that you can now follow The Anime Fanlistings Network on Twitter! Just sign up with Twitter and follow our account, http://www.twitter.com/animefanlisting. All category and website updates will be automatically Tweeted, along with a link to the post on TAFL. We recognize the increasing popularity of Twitter and how many of you use Twitter to keep informed of news and events. We hope that you find this a useful way of keeping tabs on the network!

March 05, 2009

TAFL Developer Drive!

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 5:34 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates

Here at TAFL, we are dedicated to providing a pleasant and efficient experience for everyone, both staffers and owners alike. That’s why, in our fifth year, we are looking to implement some needed changes to our current backend to make things run even smoother for all involved. We are therefore looking for some new Developers to help us do just that.

TAFL is a large network with 6,000 listed fanlistings and hundreds of fanlisting owners. Staffers do their best to keep things updated and organized as promptly and effectively as possible, but we are quickly outgrowing the limitations of our existing backend. We have many ideas on how to improve this, but we need help in making our goals a reality.

If you have experience with coding and script management, and you are interested in joining the Development Team, then we’d love to hear from you. All interested parties should send an email to the Senior Staff at seniorstaffers[@]animefanlistings.org with your name, contact information, and a description of your coding experience. Please be aware that this is a
volunteer position
and only serious applicants should apply. We will be in touch to see if you can help!

January 25, 2009

Staff Volunteer and Trouble Checkers Drive!

Posted by Rosemary at 12:07 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates

It’s time for TAFL to have its second annual Staff Volunteer Drive! We’re always on the lookout for dedicated people who are interested in helping out the network! In addition to category staff volunteers, we are also looking for more trouble checker volunteers.

If you’re interested in volunteering to be a trouble checker and/or a category staffer please fill out the appropriate forms found here. Be sure you read all of the requirements and fully complete the form before submitting it. Just remember as fun as staffing and trouble checking can be, they are very time-consuming jobs and we only want the best!

Thank you! :D

February 10, 2008

Staff Volunteer and Trouble Checkers Drive!

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 7:26 am GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates

It’s time for TAFL to have it’s first Staff Volunteer Drive! We’re always on the lookout for dedicated people who are interested in helping out the network! In addition to category staff volunteers, we are also looking for more trouble checker volunteers.

If you’re interested in volunteering to be a trouble checker and/or a category staffer please fill out the appropriate forms found here. Be sure you read all of the requirements and fully complete the form before submitting it. Just remember as fun as staffing and trouble checking can be, they are very time-consuming jobs and we only want the best!

Thank you! :D

January 24, 2007

Network News: An exciting new affiliation with Collectica.com!

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 10:32 am GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates

TAFL is excited to announce their affiliation with Collectica, a community site for collectors of all kinds (including anime/manga!) Think Flickr, with some Craigslist thrown in: create albums for your collections, upload pictures for free, and list things for sale via their classified system! They are working to build their community, and would like to in turn support TAFL, by giving us an incentive for each member we send their way. (This will go a long way toward our eventual goal of getting a dedicated server for the site! No more email worries!!)

From Collectica’s About page:

Collectica is a platform for collectors. We exist to help collectors unite under the roofs of their own homes. Our in depth news and event coverage offers collectors a fresh perspective on the happenings of the industry. Our forums and wiki offer a way for collectors to contribute and help each other build their collections and knowledge. Contests and prizes seem to find their way to a lot of people too.

Danielle tried the Collectica service yesterday and found it to be, in her words, “extremely cool”. She’s looking forward to transferring her entire shitajiki collection to Collectica, and firmly believes that the people behind Collectica want to give back to the communities that help build their own. It’s a rare thing to have a site approach our network and ask first how they can help us, and this is an attitude we want to encourage!

Please visit Collectica and give their services a try! (Let’s overrun them with anime collectors! *o* )

January 21, 2007

Trouble Checker Volunteer Drive!

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 6:22 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates

The volunteers list of trouble checkers was recently purged to weed out any older volunteers who were no longer interested in becoming trouble checkers or could no longer dedicate time to performing checks for one reason or another. Because of this, we need more volunteers!

Even if you’ve applied before in the past and have not been hired, please apply again, as we wanted to make sure we had correct and current information from all of our applicants.

If you’re interested in becoming a trouble checker, please fill out the volunteer form. Be sure you read all of the requirements and fully complete the form before submitting it. Just remember as fun as trouble checking can be, it is a very time-consuming job and we only want the best!

Thanks so much! :D

October 28, 2006

Characters category SPLIT!

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 12:50 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates

This month we split the Characters category in half, 0-M and N-Z (similar to Songs, etc. @ TFL). Since the category is large and getting close to 3,000 subjects (yay!) we feel the time to do it is now before it gets any larger. Each half will be managed by a regular set of staffers, one for Applications, one for F/U/C and one for Troubles, and these positions have been filled by our current Characters staff. All Characters email addresses will be forwarded on to the new categories, so there will be no forms lost during this change.

Enjoy the shiny new forums and categories!

May 16, 2006

Category RSS Feeds!

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 8:19 am GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates

TAFL is pleased to offer category-specific RSS feeds of this update blog, for those visitors who follow only specific categories. We hope you find this feature helpful!

April 29, 2006


Posted by Jackie at 7:02 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Seiyuu, Site Updates

The fanlisting for Seiyuu was recently removed from TAFL. However, the staff of TAFL and The Fanlistings Network have agreed that the subject belongs in TFL. If you would like to apply for this fanlisting, please apply at TFL in the People Miscellany category under the sub-category “Occupations” for “Japanese Voice Actors/Actresses (Seiyuu)”.

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