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A fanlisting is a web clique that lists fans of a particular subject. Unlike most web cliques, a person does not need a web site in order to join.

The Anime Fanlistings Network is a directory comprised of anime and manga fanlistings.

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Update Archives

Archive for the ‘Site Updates’ Category

January 16, 2006

TAFL updates mailing list!

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 5:29 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates

TAFL is proud to offer multiple means of keeping up on our updates, which can be found on the Syndication page, and we are pleased to offer a new service: automatic email notification of updates, via FeedBlitz! This works similar to a Yahoo!Group, but is taken directly from our RSS feed and then emailed to you. Whenever we update, you’ll know! Visit the Syndication page to sign up! :)

July 12, 2005

Seiyuu category

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 10:30 am GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Seiyuu, Site Updates

The Seiyuu category here at The Anime Fanlistings Network has been dissolved, and the subjects moved into the Actors and Actresses categories at TheFanlistings.org. This move represents our efforts to work more closely with our partners at TFL, and to list subjects in the most appropriate category, on the most appropriate network. In the case of Seiyuu listings, we feel that they are better served by being listed in Actors and Actresses, as that is where other voice actors/actresses are listed, and most Seiyuu listings are already cross-listed between networks.

As this network is focused specifically on Japanese animation and comics, and closely related subjects, we are doing our best to separate out what subjects truly fit this scope, and what subjects (while moderately related) are better served at our partner network. Our goal is to compliment, and not overlap, The Fanlistings Network, and we are working to return subjects not falling under our specific focus back to an appropriate category at TFL. (The move of Seiyuu is also due in part to a vocal minority of visitors and fans, who feel that TAFL is being biased by listing only Japanese voice-actors, and thus we feel it best for the network if the point of contention is removed entirely.)

All existing seiyuu fanlistings are still approved, but now listed by TFL, and any further communication regarding these subjects should be directed to the Actors and Actresses category staffers at The Fanlistings Network.

Category rename

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 10:28 am GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Adult, Site Updates

The Yaoi/Yuri/Hentai category has been renamed as the Adult category, to more broadly capture the spectrum of subjects covered by this category (ie, R-rated graphic violence, etc, in addition to sexual topics.) The previous email addresses for this category will forward to the new ones (adult@, etc) so no mail will be lost.

June 08, 2005

New category: Movies/OVAs!

Posted by Danielle at 9:12 am GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Movies/OVAs, Site Updates

All appropriate subjects have been moved from Series to the new Movies/OVAs category, and it is browseable as of today! ^^ Enjoy!

May 25, 2005

Live Action and Musical Fanlistings Moved to TFL

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 6:45 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates

All fanlistings for live action TV shows (e.g., sentai) and musicals are
being moved to The Fanlistings Network at
http://www.thefanlistings.org/ This move includes the Bishoujo Senshi
Sailor Moon Live Action fanlisting, the Bishoujo Senshi Seera Myu
fanlisting, and songs from the PGSM TV show. The fanlistings should appear
at TFL within the next few days.

The reason for this move is that when TAFL was still a part of TFL, the
Anime/Manga categories served as a “catch-all” for anime/manga related
subjects. However, now that TAFL is its own network and is partnered with
TFL, we are making an effort to properly list fanlistings among the
networks. TAFL is for anime/manga fanlistings only. Although musicals and
live action TV shows may be based on anime/manga, they are not
anime/manga. Similarly, a movie may be based on a book, but the two are
still different.

All sentai, live action TV shows, and musicals should be applied for at TFL. Thank you!

October 28, 2004

.hack Subjects — KNOWN BUG

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 12:07 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates, TAFL Network Status

We have only recently become aware that both at TFL and TAFL, we have had a known database bug that did not display .hack subjects, unless you clicked the “Show all subjects in category” link. As a result, we have renamed all .hack subjects to just “hack//whatever” (minus the dot).

All .hack// subjects can now be found under “H”, listed as hack// .

I apologize for this error on both networks, and hopefully we can find a workaround so we can eventually list them as they were meant to be listed. In the mean time, please look for them under H. ^^;

October 05, 2004

The TAFL Fanlisting!

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 6:34 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates

Angela has created the very lovely, extremely watermelon-y Anime Fanlistings Network fanlisting! ^^ Arigatou gozai masu, Angela-chan. I hope everyone joins! :D

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