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A fanlisting is a web clique that lists fans of a particular subject. Unlike most web cliques, a person does not need a web site in order to join.

The Anime Fanlistings Network is a directory comprised of anime and manga fanlistings.

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Archive for the ‘TAFL Announcements’ Category

August 08, 2024

Volunteer Drive & Donation Drive

Posted by Buruma at 2:06 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Updates, TAFL Announcements

It has been several years since we’ve had a proper staffer drive or donation drive. This post is to bring attention to both needs.

Volunteer Drive: We are currently looking to bring on at least one new staffer. If you have a fair amount of free time and good communication skills, please consider filling out a Category Staffer or Trouble Checker application. The forms are located here.

Donation Drive: It currently costs $180.00 to maintain TAFL on a yearly basis. Over the past few years those costs have been paid out of pocket by members of the Senior Staff. If you’re a regular visitor and have the desire and means to assist with supporting TAFL, donations are very much appreciated. You can learn more about how to donate here. (Keep in mind that PayPal charges fees on all incoming donations. Donations of $1 or less are generally depleted by fees.)

January 14, 2017

New Rules regarding Temporary Layouts and Codes/Buttons

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 4:47 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Policies & Rules, Site Updates, TAFL Announcements

The Anime Fanlistings Network is implementing new rules regarding temporary layouts and codes/buttons effective immediately.

Temporary Layouts
– You are allowed to use “temporary layouts” for a limited period of time.
– If you can’t finish your layout by the due date, you can still submit a Finished form and your fanlisting will be processed as finished as usual.
– Your temporary/incomplete layout *must* still include a way for members to join the fanlisting, a members list with countries, a last update date, and a link back to TAFL.
– A non-temporary/”complete” layout must have both a header and a css/style sheet. However, your layout will NOT be considered non-temporary/complete if it is based on a template and/or obviously put together in a hurry with a simple header image, minimal styling, and no codes. It is in the category staffers’ discretion whether your layout is temporary/incomplete, but you can contact the Senior Staffers if you dispute the Troubles e-mail.
You will have two months from your fanlisting’s initial approval date to finish the layout and e-mail the F/U/C staffer. If you fail to do so, your fanlisting will still be listed, but your layout will be considered incomplete. Your fanlisting will then be subject to the normal Troubles process.

All fanlistings are required to have at least 3 graphical codes/buttons total. These graphical codes can be any combination of the standard sizes (50×50, 75×50, and 100×50).

These rules will be retroactive and apply to all existing fanlistings. Fanlistings with temporary layouts still up after two months from their initial approval date will be subject to the normal Troubles process, and there will not be any grace period for existing fanlistings. For the codes/buttons rule, existing fanlistings will be given a one month grace period (i.e. until February 14, 2017).

Please note that these rules are DIFFERENT from The Fanlistings Network’s. As a reminder, The Anime Fanlistings Network is a separate network from TFL, and so we have different rules and policies.

June 15, 2016

TAFL has Permanently Moved

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 8:55 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under Site Policies & Rules, Site Updates, TAFL Announcements, TAFL Network Status

As you may have noticed, TAFL has been down due to issues with our domain registrar. Unfortunately, those issues have yet to be resolved, so we are moving TAFL to a new domain: http://www.animefanlistings.com/ This move will be permanent.

We require all TAFL fanlistings to update their links to http://www.animefanlistings.com/ We will be giving fanlisting owners a 1-month grace period to change their TAFL links, after which we will be troubling fanlistings for incorrect TAFL links.

No forms or e-mails should have been lost during the downtime, but you may want to check with TAFL staffers to see if they received your forms. (Remember that you can check your pending fanlisting applications yourself.)

The board has moved to http://board.animefanlistings.com/ Due to a change in forum scripts, you will have to reset your password.

If you encounter any problems with the main TAFL website, please e-mail us at seniorstaffers@animefanlistings.com with a description of the problem.

We apologize for the inconvenience on our members and visitors and thank you for your patience.

ETA: Please also check your spam/junk e-mail folders for e-mails from our site. Gmail, for example, has been placing Troubles e-mails in spam folders.

March 19, 2013

TAFL Board Security Breach

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 6:14 pm GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under TAFL Announcements

Dear Members,

As you are aware, TAFL’s board has been offline for the past week. Unfortunately, the message board was recently hacked. Although we have restored the board from recent backups, some newer threads and posts were lost. Additionally, some members may need to re-upload their avatars.

More importantly, we recommend that all board members change their passwords as soon as possible to something unique – i.e., to a password that you do not use on any other Internet account. Additionally, if you used the same password for the TAFL board on any other Internet accounts, please change the passwords on those other Internet accounts as soon as possible. Use a unique password that you do not use for any other Internet account; do not use dictionary words; and use combinations of letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols. For suggestions on how to create strong passwords, please read Microsoft’s tips: http://www.microsoft.com/security/online-privacy/passwords-create.aspx

We are extremely sorry for this security breach. Although we update our scripts when new versions come out, we cannot promise that this will not happen again. As such, we stress that board members should use strong passwords that are unique to TAFL’s board and that are not used anywhere else.

August 26, 2012

Issue with Web-submitted Forms

Posted by the TAFL Senior Staff at 10:35 am GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under TAFL Announcements, TAFL Network Status

During the past month, our host had issues with forms sent through the TAFL website; specifically, some forms were not being e-mailed to staffers.

We have copies of all application forms, so these do NOT need to be resent. However, staffers may e-mail you for clarifications on subcategories, as this information may not have gone through.

Any e-mails sent directly to staffers (i.e., e-mails you did not submit through the website, such as responses to Troubles or Overdue e-mails) do not need to be resent.

Some Finished, Update, Closed, contact, Downtime, and Change E-mail forms were unfortunately not received by staffers. Therefore, if you sent a F/U/C, contact, Downtime, or Change E-mail form within the last month, we ask that you 1) check with the category staffers to see if your forms were received by posting in the appropriate subforums on the message board and 2) resubmit your form if the staffer states that your form was not received.

This problem has been fixed thanks to our developers, so all forms should now be going through. We apologize greatly for the inconvenience.

November 16, 2007

Change of Network Ownership/Retirement

Posted by Danielle at 10:17 am GMT-0800 [Permalink]
Filed under TAFL Announcements, TAFL Network Status

I have served as a staffer, manager and network owner (in order, heh) at TFL/TAFL since April 2003. Were I to continue here until next April, that’d be five years! After over a year’s difficult decision-making and preparation, I have decided to leave TAFL at the New Year.

This post serves as official notice that I will be retiring as network owner on December 31, 2007. I have chosen Rosemary to replace me as network owner as of January 1, 2008.

I have chosen Rosemary as my replacement because she and I are very like-minded, and I know she has the energy and time to devote to TAFL that I currently lack. She has been with TAFL since the inception of the network and I have every confidence in her ability to lead TAFL for many years to come.

(Read more on the forum post.)

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